Thursday 20 March 2014

Fishing & Happiness

Why do people love fishing?

Ask any fishing enthusiast what aspect of fishing makes them smile and they're sure to reply 'when they've caught a great fish'.  The feeling of winning the challenge, applying their experience and skills, and then reeling in the reward induces a great feeling of happiness.

Fishing is as addictive as smiling is contagious.  We've captured some of our favourites in this series of Fishing for Smiles.

1. Pleasure derived from catching your fish:

Deep End Fishing Charters

2. Fishing stimulates endorphin release (happiness formula):

Deep End Fishing Charters

3. Fulfilling your passion or gratifying the predatory urge:

Deep End Fishing Charters

4. Connecting with the natural environment:

Deep End Fishing Charters
Connecting - saltwater smile

5. Fish are impartial to human gender:

Deep End Fishing Charters

6. Fish do not discriminate against age:

Deep End Fishing Charters

7. Love & respect your fish:

Deep End Fishing Charters

8. Present childhood opportunities - nurture the fishing smile:

Deep End Fishing Charters
Fun of Discovery

9.  Leisure - emotional benefit of releasing stresses "Happiness":

Deep End Fishing Charters

10. Joy of discovering something you're good at:

Deep End Fishing Charters

Experiencing a positive situation like catching a fish sends neuronal signals from the brain cortex to the smiling muscles in the face and back again causing a feed-back loop & reinforcing the feeling of joy.

That's a good enough reason for giving fishing a go!

Caro Wags
Deep End Fishing Charters
Port Macquarie

Sunday 2 March 2014

Family Fishing - Healthy Lifestyles

Fishing Port Macquarie
Healthy lifestyle choices should begin at an early age.

Let the whole family enjoy an Outdoors Detox from work, education, TV, video games and other electronic devices and create a healthier lifestyle balance.

Numerous studies suggest that being 'outdoors' and connecting with nature are beneficial to mental and physical health, self-esteem, confidence and general well-being. Outdoors activities can provide those 'Remember when?' moments we treasure as we age and help youngsters shape views on life and the world around them.  Being outdoors helps kids develop an appreciation of nature and learn important skills that translate to their everyday lives.  These can also encourage personal development, aid judgement and decision making. So it's worth dragging the kids off the couch (& yourselves) and get away from the life of screen technologies to reinvigorate a passion for being in the great outdoors.

Fishing Port Macquarie
Remember when?

Grown-ups are aware of the pleasure many people derive from going fishing.  More young people could be encouraged or at least, given the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of this healthful recreational activity that is suitable for any age group, gender and ability.  Going fishing can offer light & medium exercise, increases upper body strength and hand-eye co-ordination and can be combined with walking short or long-distances and incorporate short or long bouts of relaxation.

In addition to the physical benefits and learning fishing skills, water safety and environmental awareness, fishing can also provide psychological and social benefits such as:

  1. Developing a meaningful on-going outdoors pastime and new skills that can last a lifetime;
  2. Engaging in an activity that encourages a sense of personal achievement, promoting confidence and self-esteem;
  3. Providing healthy lifestyle choices for: 
  • Activities that can be enjoyed with family - encouraging bonding & skill sharing between parents & siblings;
  • Opportunities for time-out alone for contemplation, reflection, and relaxation;
  • Alternative peer-group activities or community participation in challenges to gain prestige; and
  • Promoting knowledge about wild produce and healthy diets.

Fishing Port Macquarie
Pride in catching a fish for supper

Fishing can be a relatively inexpensive means of entertainment once you have acquired the necessary equipment - maybe dust off those old fishing rods in the shed, borrow or hire some gear.  Talk to your local fishing tackle store about tackle deals, licenses, local fishing spots. and check your local fishing regulations and learn about local fish species.

Alternatively, go on a charter fishing boat where use of gear and licenses is included and take an off-shore fishing trip.  Consider an adventure based around catching fresh fish for a healthy family meal.  Charter operators will usually help you identify good eating fish and clean your fish ready to take home and cook.

Fishing Port Macquarie
We'll always remember this day!

In summary, fishing helps kids develop a sense of responsibility and respect for themselves, others, and the environment.  They learn about patience, decision making, action and reward in a real life situation (rather than fictional computer games) .  People who fish regularly instinctively become aware of the environment and most times, want to preserve it. Youngsters that learn to fish in addition to adopting a lifelong hobby, may become future guardians of our aquatic ecosystems &/or be inspired to pursue environmental-based careers.
Fishing Port Macquarie
What until I tell my friends about this!
Most kids take to fishing like 'ducks to water'.  I've experienced going out fishing with youngsters (7 years upwards) they come back to shore with their catches and the widest smiles.  They have enjoyed something worth boasting about to their peers and have added valuable memories to their lifetime  'Remember when?' moments.

Time to get off the couch!

Caro Wags
Deep End Fishing Charters